Downloading Your Logo and Extracting Files

After landing on a logo you're happy with, click Download on the top right of the logo editor screen and we'll generate a logo package for you in a few moments, taking you to your brand package homepage. From here, click Logo Files then Download.

Your logo will download as a zip file, which is a way to compress files and send them to you in one folder. Make sure to download and open your zip file from a desktop computer or laptop, as most mobile devices and tablets have trouble extracting them. Once the zip files have downloaded to the Downloads folder on your computer, drag the folder onto your desktop and double click to unzip or open it.

Here are more detailed instructions on extracting zip files depending on your operating system: 


  1. Open the folder where you downloaded your files (this is usually your Downloads folder)
  2. Double-click the zipped folder
  3. The file will automatically decompress and open in the same folder the compressed file is in.


  1. Open the folder where you downloaded your files (this is usually your Downloads folder)
  2. Right-click the file folder containing your logos
  3. In the menu, select Extract all
  4. Select a destination file folder and click Extract
  5. A new folder window will open up with your files fully extracted — they're ready to use! 


  1. Open the folder where you downloaded your files (this is usually your Downloads folder)
  2. Drag the file folder you would like to open to your desktop
  3. Your computer should automatically extract the files, and you should have access to them

If you opened the file directly from your web browser to your Windows computer, follow these steps to extract your files:

  1. In the top menu of your file folder, click Extract all (file folder with four squares on top)
  2. Select a destination file folder and click Extract


Some internet browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox have safety features to prevent malicious downloads from making their way onto your computer, and they send warnings when downloading zip files. If you use one of these browsers, you may have experienced this issue when trying to download your logo files. To learn how to open the files, follow the instructions below.

Google Chrome:

  1. Click the download link we provide from your account page under Logo files 
  2. You'll be asked to specify a folder to download the file to (usually your Downloads folder)
  3. Click Save
  4. On the bottom of your screen, you'll see the file downloading. When it's done, you may get an error saying is not commonly downloaded and may be dangerous.
  5. Click the little arrow pointing up next to Discard
  6. On the menu that pops up, click Keep
  7. You can now click the folder icon to open your zipped logo files


  1. Click the download link we provide from your account page under Logo files 
  2. You'll get a pop-up window saying You have chosen to open: Which is: Compressed (zipped) Folder from What should Firefox do with this file?
  3. Click Save File, then OK
  4. Click the Downloads arrow in the top right-hand corner of your screen (it should change color) 
  5. You may get an error saying This file is not commonly downloaded and may not be safe to open. It may contain a virus or make unexpected changes to your programs and settings. You can search for an alternate download source or try again later.
  6. Click Open
  7. You'll then see your downloaded folder pop up on your screen with your logo files

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